Below are the guidelines of eStore’s policy concerning the use of information collected from registered Members, and their respective rights:

  1. eStore will not share registered Members’ email addresses with any third-party organizations for advertising, promotion, or marketing purposes, except for eStore’s affiliates.
  2. Members’ personal and membership information will not be disclosed to other Members without their consent. This information is used solely to determine the customer profile within the company.
    Members are the only ones who can access and modify the information they enter into the system. It is not possible for another Member to access or modify their personal information.
  3. Members may choose to provide personal information requested during registration, except for the required fields. If there is information they prefer not to provide, they may leave those fields blank.
    eStore does not record credit card information provided during shopping on its site.
    With these principles, eStore guarantees its Members’ personal rights.

Our company’s Security Policy employs the latest security systems to ensure safe and comfortable shopping for our customers. Our system uses 128-bit SSL to protect customers’ credit card information from third-party access and interference. All data exchange during order processing is encrypted under SSL assurance, which is practically unbreakable. The SSL security protocol encrypts credit card information and sends it to the bank, and eStore cannot access this information during the process.